Money collection: whether you’ve been on the receiving end, the paying end or both, you know that it can be a stressful chore. If you work in your company’s debt collection or accounts receivable department, you probably spend a significant amount of time trying to get delinquent customers to settle their accounts. If you, as a consumer, are behind in your payments, you undoubtedly feel the pressure. In both cases, a debt collections attorney, like a debt harassment lawyer in Tampa, FL from The Law Office of Michael A. Ziegler, P.L., can help.

Collecting for the Company

When a customer is late on payments, you or another representative from your company will start making calls, sending letters or emailing the person. At first, your reminders will be friendly, as you realize everyone forgets things from time to time. As weeks and months go on, and the customer still hasn’t paid, you need to escalate the matter and try a different approach. You may turn the account over to a collections company, which can be more aggressive. Or, you can hire a debt collections attorney to act on your behalf. A lawyer works for the organization and may be used when the company is threatening to pursue legal action.

Working for the Debtor

In some situations, consumers may hire an attorney that specializes in debt collections. This may be helpful if you find yourself in the following situations:

  • Your debt has become unmanageable, and you need to make payment arrangements.
  • You want to pursue filing for bankruptcy.
  • You believe the creditor has treated you unfairly or has engaged in harassing behavior. 

When representing a creditor, an attorney will advise the person of his or her rights. The lawyer has the skill and experience to determine the best course for the individual, whether it’s to file a lawsuit, declare bankruptcy or request installment payments. The lawyer will also negotiate with the creditor and try to make the debt as reasonable as possible for the debtor.


For a company, hiring an attorney to handle debt collections frees up time and resources. The company can turn the accounts over to the lawyer and focus on other aspects of the business. For an individual, the attorney acts as an advocate and adviser, giving the person peace of mind and someone to uphold their interests during a difficult time.

If you are thinking of hiring a debt collections lawyer, consider these aspects of their work. You can usually meet with a lawyer and discuss your needs during a free consultation.